Our Avocados

Export-quality avocados.

Our Avocados

We handle the crops in an organic and sustainable way, ensuring our products are 100% natural and free of chemicals.

Uyamafarms is an Ecuadorian family company dedicated to the production of avocados and their derivatives. We are very proud to offer products with complete traceability, as we grow our own avocado trees, manage the orchards, and handle the harvest all in one place.

By cultivating avocados, we aim to strengthen the local economy, create jobs, and promote avocado production in Ecuador, while providing healthy products for our people. Our unique season and microclimates allow for a constant supply of avocados throughout the year, ensuring we can meet our customers’ needs year-round.

Organic Hass Avocado

This fruit has an oval shape with rugged skin. Its characteristic green color turns black and matte when it is ready to eat. The pulp is light green, creamy, and delicious.

Available every day of the year.

  • Organic Certified or Conventional
  • Calibers from 16-24
  • Available for Export

Organic Fuerte Avocado

Fuerte avocados are easily recognizable by their classic pear shape. The pulp is light green and smooth, with no fibers.


  • Organic Certified or Conventional
  • Calibers from 12-20
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